

What do we do?

We offer different types of services that can fit your situations and needs. We can help you in:

– Representing you to conduct business with CIC and HRSC (LMO)
– Providing assistance in filling out your applications for CIC and HRSDC  (LMO)
– Making an assessment of your situation and provide advice to determine the right immigration pathway that will lead to long-term success in Canada.

We prepare and assist applications for:

PNP, Provincial Nominee Program
LMO, Labour Market Opinion
LCG, Live-in Caregiver
CEC, Canadian Experience Class
FS, Family Sponsorship
FSW, Federal Skilled Worker
Visa Extension
Visitor Visa
Student Permit
Worker Permit

Our preparation time for an application varies depending on the type of application, like:

– 1 to 3 weeks for Temporary residency
– 1 to 12 weeks for Permanent Residency applications.

In addition to this, application processing times also depend on immigration Canada (CIC).
As an example, of how long an application for temporary residency takes for processing:

– From 20 to 70 days for a Visitor, Student or Worker*
– From 8 to 30+ months for Permanent Resident Application*

*Depending of the application process and Government time of response.

Gives a call, send us your info by email and we can build together your plans for coming to Canada.

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